

Glatved Strand nord



Trachyzelotes pedestris foto

Trachyzelotes pedestris foto
Trachyzelotes pedestris © Biopix: N Sloth
Glatved Strand nord
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Trachyzelotes pedestris Foto 88527
Trachyzelotes pedestris Foto 88531
Trachyzelotes pedestris Foto 88530
Trachyzelotes pedestris Foto 88529
Trachyzelotes pedestris Foto 88528
Trachyzelotes pedestris Foto 88526

Danish Redlist Status: DD (Data Deficient)

Key literature: Spiders of Britain and Northern Europe (Roberts 1996)

Trachyzelotes pedestris (C. L. Koch, 1837 )

Hits siden 08/2003: 999.184.816

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BioPix - naturfoto/bilder