

Randers Fjord



Stenodema calcarata foto

Stenodema calcarata foto
Stenodema calcarata © Biopix: N Sloth
Randers Fjord
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Stenodema calcarata Foto 130694
Stenodema calcarata Foto 130693
Stenodema calcarata Foto 130692
Stenodema calcarata Foto 130199
Stenodema calcarata Foto 134884
Stenodema calcarata Foto 134883
Stenodema calcarata Foto 134882
Stenodema calcarata Foto 130695

Gratis bruk for skoler osv., Betalt bruk 30 - 60 EUR / foto

Two spurs on the hind femora of S. calcarata make this species unmistakeable. S. trispinosa has three femoral spurs. Late-instar nymphs have a single femoral spur.

7,0 mm-8,0 mm

Key literature: Danmarks blomstertæger (Skipper 2013)

Hits siden 08/2003: 985.406.207

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