
Typical growth site of S. compactum. The photo is taken during a dry period, usually there is water on the peat. The other plants: Trichophorum cespitosum, Andromeda polifolia


Simo, Finland




Typical growth site of S. compactum. The photo is taken during a dry period, usually there is water on the peat. The other plants: Trichophorum cespitosum, Andromeda polifolia

Sphagnum compactum foto

Sphagnum compactum foto
Sphagnum compactum © Biopix: A Neumann
Simo, Finland
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Sphagnum compactum Foto 70991
Sphagnum compactum Foto 100623
Sphagnum compactum Foto 71027
Sphagnum compactum Foto 71026
Sphagnum compactum Foto 71025
Sphagnum compactum Foto 71024

Hits siden 08/2003: 1.019.701.141

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