

Asker, Akershus, Norge



Segestria senoculata foto

Segestria senoculata foto
Segestria senoculata © Biopix: G Drange
Asker, Akershus, Norge
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Segestria senoculata Foto 97460
Segestria senoculata Foto 77820
Segestria senoculata Foto 114120
Segestria senoculata Foto 114119
Segestria senoculata Foto 105750
Segestria senoculata Foto 102120
Segestria senoculata Foto 80000
Segestria senoculata Foto 77823
Segestria senoculata Foto 77822
Segestria senoculata Foto 77821
Segestria senoculata Foto 77819
Segestria senoculata Foto 77818

Danish Redlist Status: LC (Least Concern)

Key literature: Spiders of Britain and Northern Europe (Roberts 1996)

Segestria senoculata (Linnaeus, 1758 )

Hits siden 08/2003: 1.009.983.790

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