Pilosella officinarum foto
Pilosella officinarum © Biopix: JC Schou
Glatved, Djursland, Danmark
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This species is characterised by the single capitulum at the end of each stem. It can only be confused with P. peleteriana but differs in its elongated, slender stolons with evenly spaced, small leaves.
Common throughout Denmark and included in a variety of plant communities.
50,0 mm-30,0 cm
Danish Redlist Status: LC (Least Concern)
Key literature: Danmarks Høgeurter - The Pilosella and Hieracium species of Denmark (Schou 2001)
Pilosella officinarum F.W.Schultz & Schultz-Bip
Hieracium pilosella Linné, C. von, 1753: Species Plantarum. 1.edit. Holmiae.