
The Pietzmoor bog has been a peat mining area and been drained. In the 1970's renaturation measurements (flooding) have started, nowadays it is a nature protectin area.


Schneverdingen, Germany




The Pietzmoor bog has been a peat mining area and been drained. In the 1970's renaturation measurements (flooding) have started, nowadays it is a nature protectin area.

Hoejmose foto

Hoejmose foto
Hoejmose © Biopix: A Neumann
Schneverdingen, Germany
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Hoejmose Foto 79580
Hoejmose Foto 81146
Hoejmose Foto 81145
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Hoejmose Foto 79577
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Hoejmose Foto 79572
Hoejmose Foto 79571
Hoejmose Foto 73051
Hoejmose Foto 73050
Hoejmose Foto 73049
Hoejmose Foto 73048
Hoejmose Foto 58248
Hoejmose Foto 58247
Hoejmose Foto 36460
Hoejmose Foto 8444
Hoejmose Foto 8443
Hoejmose Foto 8442
Hoejmose Foto 7547
Hoejmose Foto 3956

Hits siden 08/2003: 1.010.362.101

Thlaspi perfoliatum Somatochlora metallica Dolomedes fimbriatus Honningbi (Apis mellifera) Odontites litoralis ssp. litoralis Sumplundmose (Brachythecium rivulare) Liten roteter (Phymatopus hecta) Cucullia argentea

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