

Rebild, Himmerland, Danmark



Hieracium rebildense foto

Hieracium rebildense foto
Hieracium rebildense © Biopix: JC Schou
Rebild, Himmerland, Danmark
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Hieracium rebildense Foto 103337
Hieracium rebildense Foto 103338
Hieracium rebildense Foto 99722
Hieracium rebildense Foto 99721
Hieracium rebildense Foto 88805
Hieracium rebildense Foto 88753

Gratis bruk for skoler osv., Betalt bruk 30 - 60 EUR / foto

This species is easily recognised by its habit, long and narrow, sparsely toothed stemleaves, yellowish styles and glabrous peduncles.
Endemic. In Denmark a rare species only found in Himmerland and in the central parts of Jylland, where it is found in forests, heaths and at road slopes.

40,0 cm-90,0 cm

Key literature: Danmarks Høgeurter - The Pilosella and Hieracium species of Denmark (Schou 2001)

Hieracium rebildense Wiinstedt
Wiinstedt, K., 1922: i C.Raunkiær: Dansk Ekskursionsflora 4.udgave v. C.H.Ostenfeld og C.Raunkiær p. 324. (In key). Wiinstedt, K., 1926: New Danish Species of Hieracium of the Archieracium-Group. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 5:1 p. 24. (Latin diagnosis).

Hits siden 08/2003: 985.585.428

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