

Grejsdalen, Vejle, Jylland, Danmark



Hieracium gracilidens foto

Hieracium gracilidens foto
Hieracium gracilidens © Biopix: JC Schou
Grejsdalen, Vejle, Jylland, Danmark
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Hieracium gracilidens Foto 88792
Hieracium gracilidens Foto 88791
Hieracium gracilidens Foto 88790

Gratis bruk for skoler osv., Betalt bruk 30 - 60 EUR / foto

This species is characterised by the shape and dentation of the rosette-leaves and by the indumentum of the phyllaries consisting of dark simple hairs, glandular hairs and distinct margins of stellate hairs. The peduncles have only glandular and stellate hairs.
Endemic. In Denmark very rare and only found in Grejsdalen near Vejle.

40,0 cm-70,0 cm

Key literature: Danmarks Høgeurter - The Pilosella and Hieracium species of Denmark (Schou 2001)

Hieracium gracilidens Wiinstedt
Wiinstedt, K., 1926: New Danish Species of Hieracium of the Archieracium-Group. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 5:1 p. 7-8.

Hits siden 08/2003: 985.843.502

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