




Gerris lateralis foto

Gerris lateralis foto
Gerris lateralis © Biopix: N Sloth
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Gerris lateralis Foto 117078
Gerris lateralis Foto 117075
Gerris lateralis Foto 116780
Gerris lateralis Foto 117077
Gerris lateralis Foto 117076
Gerris lateralis Foto 117074
Gerris lateralis Foto 117073
Gerris lateralis Foto 117072
Gerris lateralis Foto 117071
Gerris lateralis Foto 117070
Gerris lateralis Foto 117069
Gerris lateralis Foto 117068
Gerris lateralis Foto 117067
Gerris lateralis Foto 117066
Gerris lateralis Foto 117065
Gerris lateralis Foto 116781
Gerris lateralis Foto 116779
Gerris lateralis Foto 116778

Gratis bruk for skoler osv., Betalt bruk 30 - 60 EUR / foto

Two lines of silvery hairs on underside of abdomen. Fore femur dark yellowish brown with a single black stripe.

9,0 mm-11,0 mm

Danish Redlist Status: LC (Least Concern)

Key literature: Adults of the British Aquatic Hemiptera Heteroptera: A Key with Ecological Notes (Savage 1989)

Gerris (Gerriselloides) lateralis Schummel, 1832

Hits siden 08/2003: 985.834.635

Ballblom (Trollius europaeus) Dolomedes plantarius Hagenøkleblom (Primula elatior) Ochrolechia frigida Sandfirfisle (Lacerta agilis) Storkremle (Russula paludosa) Silkekjuke (Trametes versicolor) Sitronsommerfugl (Gonepteryx rhamni)

BioPix - naturfoto/bilder